How Linux users watch anime ?

How Linux users watch anime ?

you don't need to open any browser and get annoyed by ads and bad quality

you can enjoy watching anime by using ani-cli . it's a cli to browse and watch anime.

watch haw it work here : []

Download: git clone

Install cd ani-cli sudo make


watch anime ani-cli <anime name>

download anime ani-cli -d <anime name>

resume watching anime ani-cli -H

set video quality ani-cli -q 360

By default ani-cli would try to get the best video quality available You can give specific qualities like 360/480/720/..

You can also use special names:

best: Select the best quality available worst: Select the worst quality available Multiple episodes can be viewed/downloaded by giving the episode range like so

Choose episode [1-13]: 1 6

This would open/download episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6